Thank you for supporting our cause!

Your donation will be used to ease the financial burdens of families with children battling cancer, such as medical bills and living expenses. It will also enable KCCF to provide the emotional support that families need to get through an unimaginable situation. When we support a family, we make sure the diagnosed child, siblings, and parents all know they are not fighting this disease alone. We are stronger together!


Would you like to put a smile on the faces of children fighting cancer by sending them gifts? Purchase items like toys, fun socks, and sweets from our Amazon wish list, and we will add them to our Crazy Socks Gift Bags.

The gifts themselves don’t cost much, but their impact is priceless!  

Payable to:
Koenig Childhood Cancer Foundation
Mail to:
1175 York Ave., Suite 15E New York, NY 10065
T: 917-765-6272 E: